Their service record numbers are S45597 and S44632, respectively.

Here I have uploaded the images of Thomas's record.
They are somewhat hard to read due to a combination of old style handwriting and not the best photocopying...
The first part appears to be a copy of a deed from Thomas Blood to Cheney Meriam in 1822 (BK 136 / PG 356), and mentions abutting property of his daughter Sarah Blood, and son-in-laws Peter Saunderson &
Oliver Nutting.
The next part mentions his service, which I described in an earlier post; and finally a listing of his property - apparently to prove his impoverished state.
If you would like to see the images from Asa Blood's file, please send me an email, and I will forward them to you. The file mentions his wife Lucy Blood, and children Friend, and two others. There is also an Application for Transfer to transfer his pension to Montgomery County, New York, dated 1825; this Transfer also notes that his pension was originally on the Vermont Roll, then previously transfered to New Hampshire; the signature on this Transfer is the same as that on his deed (also of 1825) which I posted earlier.